5 June 2009


To understand this picture, just a few extra words...
She was waiting for her friends and I wanted her to turn and face me.
So I called my daughter very loudly, she turned and... I caught her by surprise.
This one was shot when she realized my daughter was only a diversion !


Anonymous said...

That's such a genuine look of happiness! She caught you, lol!

clo said...

magnifique visage....quelle lumiere dans le sourire...:)

nam said...

ahem....Arnaud..!! You are getting innovative by the day..!!..and in what way.. ;) ;)

...hope ladies keep giving you that sweet smile ..and u keep capturing them..!! ;)

jeff said...

Wouahw ! Quel... ravissant sourire !... Mais que lui as-tu dit pour quelle te renvoie un si jolie "smile" ? ça fait longtemps que tu es en Inde Arnaud ?...
Ciao Amigo !

Owen said...

What beauty is possible in a simple smile !!! And not mad at the "papa-razi" photographer either... quite a catch... if I were you I'd be smiling for months over this photo ! nice job...

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