11 January 2010

Long socks or tights ?

Anyway, blue is the right color


@eloh said...

Shirt in... shirt out?

jeff said...

Je vois bien les jeunes collégiennes d'Europe s'habiller ainsi...:)

Amy said...

I like that even though they are uniforms, they are slightly different. Nice capture!

Owen said...

Love their ties... one long, one short... love this candid portrait... and I wonder what the young lady on the left is clutching in her hand ? Hopefully not a stone to throw at the photographer so bold as to take their picture in the street...


Arnaud said...

@Eloh : Your preference ? ;-)
@Jeff : Va en Suisse, certains colleges (ou plutot pensionnats) appliquent l'uniforme !
@AmyR : I think it's a usual game between friends. How to wear the same uniform but be different and avoid uniformity ? Good job, they did !
@Owen : Seems to be a paper... May be the same than the lady on the right clutches in her left hand ? If it was a stone, she didn't throw it at me ! ;-)

Babzy.B said...

Joli snap !

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