19 June 2010

It's no more a secret....

As most of you already know, I started to pack my stuff to move back to France in the coming days... That's why I was so silent those last few days !!!
To answer to some questions : YES "Random Shots" will continue to live !
I still have a few hundreds photographs of India to share with you. And I hope to be inspired by Grenoble where I will soon settle as Pierre will also do.
And as I will also spend a bit of time in the beautiful Franche-Comté, it may be a great opportunity to see in real life the subjects shot by Babzy
This summer may be a little bit chaotic but I'll try to do my best to keep the usual post pace.


Owen said...

Wish you all the best and smooth sailing for the big move back, and very glad to hear that Random Shots will be continuing... your photos are always a refreshing breath of oxygen in a busy day, always original, colorful, sensitive views of the life going on around wherever you are...

The past year or so has been a pleasure, and looking forward to the next years...

Do give a call if you will be around CDG at some point... would love to offer you a coffee at least...

Babzy.B said...

Super , le blog continue ;) J'espère que tu passeras de beaux moments dans notre belle région en espèrant que le temps s'améliore on cherche encore le soleil ...Bonne installation à Grenoble !

Amy said...

I am glad to hear you have lots of photos stockpiled, though I will be equally happy to see photos from your new home. I hope the move goes smoothly for you!

cara said...

Good luck with the move!

It's a relief you'll be continuing. I absolutely agree with Owen - these are sensitive and original shots. Visiting your blog is always a pleasure (albeit time consuming as I can never look at just one post).

Anonymous said...

Thank you for settling the rumors! I couldn't believe I had just found you, and you would be gone! Now I can sleep happy tonight.

I do enjoy your photos - the emotions you capture are riveting.

Besides, "Random" is good!

euthymia said...

Best of luck in your new life!
Take care and take lots of picture around the WORLD, wherever you are.
Greetings from South-India (Chennai)

Arnaud said...

@Owen : Thanks for all your supportive and cheerful comments from the very beginning. I hope I'll be able to have the same opportunity than Loulou and so meet you in RL...
I'll transit by CDG end of the month but the connection is always very short and not at the right time (early morning) for you :-)
@Babzy : Je devrais passer quelques week end avec les enfants aux alentours de Besancon. J'espere qu'il pleuvra moins que d'habitude !
@Amy : I think I have around 1 to 2 years of daily posts in stock !!! Should let me enough time to settle in France and find the inspiration ! :-P
@Cara : Many many thanks for your support and very touching comment.
@Clytie : I'm really relieved that you'll sleep relaxed ! :-)
@Euthymia : All the best to you in India !

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