10 May 2010

Herbie (Indian version)

For the old chaps like me, I hope you all remember Herbie !


Owen said...

Hi Arnaud, hilarious, and wow, not old, but Ancient ! Herbie... wasn't that the love bug ???

How can it possibly go anywhere with that wheel like that ???

A very fine car to add to anyone's collection... hope you gave them a good price for it ?

Arnaud said...

The love bug, you got it ! The number 51 if I'm not wrong !
The car was in the middle of a park place, stucked, aslost my his owner.

Babzy.B said...

je ne connais pas cette voiture mais elle a un super look !

Arnaud said...

La voiture en photo est une Ambassador, construite par HM (Hindustan Motors). Elle est en livree de taxi delhiite.

Herbie est la voiture qui a le premier role dans la serie des films "La Coccinelle" (a Monte-Carlo, a Mexico, Le retour de, ...). Bon, OK... ca date (du debut) des annees 70 ! :-(

Photo Cache said...

Well Lindsay Lohan did a movie about Herbie a few years ago so I'm sure many people know Herbie :D

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