19 January 2010

Fishing at twilight


jeff said...

Cette scène est vraiment, vraiment superbe ! Dommage qu'en fond il n'y ait pas un beau ciel coloré pour faire "ressortir" ces deux personnes ! Mais.... combien cette photo est belle ! ! ! Je sais... On ne peut pas tout avoir !...;)

Amitiés !

Owen said...

I see both you and Loulou are on an orange streak...

And good to know there are some fish left in the river to fish, with big nets like that, it must be hard for the fish to have a chance against them...

Arnaud said...

@Jeff : Tu as raison, on ne peut pas tout avoir...
@Owen : Just a coincidence for the orange trend.. It will be B&W tomorrow !

Babzy.B said...

Le teeshirt orange éclaire la photo , un clin d'oeil à Loulou ;)

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Quite a picture! Very well taken!

Sh@s said...

Good one. I wish u had added a bit of description or written about how n what appealed u to take that shot though u may feel that words may spoil the beauty of the picture.

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